Last updated: Nov 2, 2023

Pre-Diabetes: Could That Be You?

BLOG POST - Pre-Diabetes: Could That Be You?

For many, life in the 21st Century now involves regular fast-food intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and constant stress as the norm, leading to a sharp increase in health issues. The most visible result is the increasing prevalence of global obesity, which poses significant risks and challenges on various levels, impacting individuals, communities, economies, and healthcare systems worldwide. 

In tandem with this has been the concern of a steadily rising incidence of pre-diabetes, a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. It’s a warning sign that your body is not processing sugar properly, and if left unchecked, it could lead to heart disease, stroke, and, of course, full-blown type 2 diabetes. 

The truly alarming part is, pre-diabetes often shows no symptoms, and by the time it’s diagnosed, serious damage to the body is already underway. 

The Silent Epidemic

Pre-diabetes is considered a “silent epidemic” because so many people globally are unaware they have it or even know anything about it. In 2021, the 10th edition of the International Diabetes Federation’s (IDF) Diabetes Atlas estimated that:

  • One in 10 adults has diabetes (537 million)
  • One in two adults with diabetes is undiagnosed
  • 11.5 per cent of global health expenditure is spent on diabetes (USD$966 billion)
  • One in seven births is affected by gestational diabetes ( this can be hyperlinked to blog article about Gestational diabetes )
  • Three-quarters (75 per cent) of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries
  • 648,000 children have type 1 diabetes
  • Every five seconds a person dies from diabetes (6.7 million deaths)

By 2030, IDF estimates that:

  • One adult in nine will have diabetes (643 million)
  • Diabetes-related health expenditure will exceed USD$1,028 billion

By 2045, IDF estimates that:

  • One adult in eight will have diabetes (783 million)
  • Diabetes-related health expenditure will exceed USD$1,054 billion

29 per cent of all adults with diabetes live in the Western Pacific region (which includes Australia):

  • China with over 140 million people with diabetes (ranked highest number of people with diabetes)
  • Indonesia with 19.5 million people with diabetes (5th highest)
  • Japan with 11 million people with diabetes (9th highest)

*Sourced by the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas Key Findings 2021

Closer to home, Diabetes UK, in April 2023 estimated that 4.3 million people are now living with a diagnosis of diabetes in the UK, but more sobering is that an estimated additional 850,000 people are living with diabetes who are yet to be diagnosed, bringing the overall UK-wide figure beyond five million. 

Approximately 90% of these diagnoses are type 2 diabetes, and around 8% of diagnoses are type 1 diabetes, with the other forms of the condition making up the remaining 2%.

Registration figures for 2021-22 show that cases are up by 148,951 from 2020-21, and indications are that cases will continue to dramatically rise, as over 64% of adults in England are now living with overweight or obesity issues.

Warning Signs

The most common factors related to your risk of developing pre-diabetes include being overweight, especially around the abdomen, having a family history of diabetes, not being physically active, and having unhealthy eating and drinking habits. Risks increase with age over 45 years. Additionally, women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to develop pre-diabetes.

Prevention is the Key

Research now confirms that pre-diabetes can often be reversed or delayed through lifestyle changes. The belief that diabetes was incurable no longer applies. Pre-diabetes is a wake-up call, a chance to make positive changes in your lifestyle and take control of your health. By making healthy choices in your diet, staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Get regular check-ups and screenings, especially if you have familial risk factors. Early detection can help enormously in reducing damage to organs and systems of the body. If you suspect you might be at risk or haven’t had your blood sugar levels checked recently, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. 

Remember, knowledge and action are your best allies in the fight against pre-diabetes. Don’t let it be you—take charge of your health today.

NutriKane™ D: Natural Blood Sugar Management

Over the last ten years NutriKane™ D has been scientifically developed and independently tested in Australian hospitals to help people manage healthy blood sugar levels. It works by directly supplying the gut with essential nutrition (often lacking in our modern diet), as well as feeding the positive bacteria in the gut. It contains all types of fibres, resistant starch and a wide range of essential micronutrients shown to reduce systemic inflammation and control blood sugar levels. It’s considered a Food–as-Medicine product and designed to be incorporated into a daily routine.

Along with a few healthy lifestyle changes, NutriKane™ D can effectively help control the risk factors associated with pre-diabetes.

If you found this information useful, please share it with your loved ones or anyone who you think may also benefit from it. Visit our NutriKane™ shop for more information. 

By <a href="" target="_self">NutriKane Team</a>

By NutriKane Team

We are strong advocates for the healing power of nutrition. Through scientific research and development, it is our mission to create an effective range of targeted nutritional therapies to combat common conditions impacting human health. Learn more.
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